Called to serve-at last!
The big white envelope arrived one week ago.I report for training on October 26 at the Provo MTC.
After an as of yet undetermined amount of time in training sharpening the tools I need and cramming as much of the language as intellectually possible in such a short time before heading on out to the mission field-white already unto harvest, no less...
In the Hungary Budapest Mission!
Words like "thrilled" or "excited" or "overjoyed" don't do this feeling justice...I don't think there's a word in the whole English language that could even come close. The only thing that will ever possibly surpass this is marrying in the House of the Lord one day and finally starting a family of my own.
I'm overwhelmed with all that must be done-all sorts of questions pop up every other moment it seems. My mind feelts to a broad smattering of subjects-which is per usual considering me, I suppose. Things like wondering how the transportation system works in Hungary, or whether or not I should bring laundry detergent with me to the Missionary Training Center, or seeing whether or not I have a coupon to a decent shoe store as I set off to acquire my missionary wardrobe.
This is the biggest, best thing I have ever done and I can hardly wait to begin...
Just sixty-eight days and counting.