The Long Wait
I handed my papers over to my Stake President in the middle of May. They were submitted to Headquarters in Salt Lake City the week before last, and the night before last I got a call from the Stake President. There was a form missing from my packet that needed to be filled in order to continue processing my papers. Luckily, I was able to meet up with his wife yesterday to fill out the form and we promptly faxed it in.In a sense, it feels like this journey has already taken so long just to get it started. It seems it's just been delay after delay, but strangely enough I'm not discouraged. After hearing about this latest burp in the chain of events all I could think was, "Well, if Headquarters is calling him, that means somebody there has seen my papers and taken a close enough look to realize they're incomplete." After all, all is as it's meant to be, and I have always had Great Faith in that.
But with any luck...perhaps a big white envelope bearing the mark of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints will be on its way here to the house at the corner of Tomalyn Hill and Country Brook...
Any luck and just a little bit of Faith.