Be still, and know that I am.
So has been the theme of my week.I am no longer considering going Home at this point. As I told my mother in the email I sent her this morning, I have put my trust in the Faith that I have traveled ten thousand miles and learned what is said by many to be the hardest language of man to preach.
It is through our trials that our character is made clear-and I hope that my character is one of Strength and Integrity. Of Hope and Faith that is bigger than my trials. Cancer is never a routine word to consider, but from what I have gathered my Dad is going to be okay without me for the time being. I have a really wonderful opportunity to take the extra effort in my correspondence with him to show him this woman I am so proud to be. A woman of Faith.
Many of you are not members, but if any of you are prayers-perhaps mention my Dad if you remember. I know he is recieving blessing that he wouldn't if I weren't a missionary, because I know Heavenly Father blesses His missionaries. Let's be honest, millions of prayers are offered every day for us throughout the world, including in every Temple session and by the Prophet himself. If there were any time to request someone to pray for my family, it would be while I am included in the blessings He gives to His missionaries for the sake of those ever-so-many who ask.
De azon kivül...
But outside of that...
Things are going really well. My sixth transfer has begun-I am still in Kispest and I am currently enjoying the blessing of being in the third threesome of my mission. That means I get two companions. I say "get" only because I refuse to complain even though I dispise being in a threesome. I refuse! Obedient missionaries count their blessings, they don't complain!
And it isn't toooo bad. It means we can very easily go on splits with the members, which we did on Saturday. I took a member tracting (knocking on doors) and streeting (stopping people on the street to talk to them) for a couple of hours. We didn't have a lot of success in the way of finding people to teach, but it was awesome to talk to someone a little bit about the church and then turn to a native and see her bear her own testimony of the things she knows to be true. I hope we get to do it lots more!
I have picked up a quirk as a missionary-if I approach someone to start talking to them and they are super rude, I simply smile and make it my immediate goal for that person to walk away with a softer heart and a good experience to remember about the missionary who spoke to them. And I am really good at it. I know how to worm my way into people's hearts.
But, that was a little random...
So our third sister is Sister Waldie, from Arizona. It isn't Utah, but it was settled by Mormons, so there is actually a huge church population there. It is actually quite interesting because I replaced Anderson in the MTC and Waldie replaced me, so we have a lot of fun telling stories about our MTC experiences as Solo Sisters with the beloved Despain and Andruska.
I have some challenges to overcome over the next five weeks...but it really is going to be a fabulous transfer.
I just know it.