It's Been a Quiet Week Here at the MTC...
But a VERY Happy Thanksgiving, thankyouverymuch.One real perk of being in trainign for so long is that we get to be addressed by various members of the church leadership. At the top is the President and his two counselors, under them is the Quorum of the Twelve and under them is the 1st Quorum of Seventy. Usually, at oour weekly devotional on Tuesday evenings we are priveleged to hear from a member of the Seventy. However our group has not been a usual group. Five members of the Quorum of the Twelve have been here in the past month - and two of them came only this week.
What an experience! Plenty of missionaries come and go and never have even one Apostle speak to them and we've received teaching and guidance directly from FIVE.
What a Happy Thanksgiving!
The lights are on, the first snow greeted us this morning and I am loving this place, my companions, my elders and all the wonderful people who surround me a little more everyday.
One of our teachers calls Hungarian "the tongue of angels." Af first I though he gave it that term of endearement to make us feel better about learning something so hard. But slowly however surely, line upon line and precept upon precept I am getting the hang of it and it is jut beautiful.
I hope everyone has Happy Holidays! As some of you have learned, I have a particular use for old calendars, so before you throw them away to make room for '06 - send them my way!
On that note, my laundry is done and it's time to depart. I'm loving you all, Party People!
Friend of the Week:
Picture it: Late August 1993 - cafeteria of Central Heights High School, Richmond, KS.
So my mom just started teaching at CHHS (home of the mighty mighty Vikings!) and that meant I got to wait for her after school. It turns out that I find a small group of kids my age who suffer the same fate of waiting it out for parents or older siblings tied up in after school activities, practices and plain old bidniz. Brandy was in my class at the other end of the building with Mrs. Blaufuss int eh 6th grade and our common bond of after-school entrapment pave the way for a friendship tha has now lasted over half my life. Fast forward 12 years and you'll find that although we have changed, not much about us has.
Brandy has seen it all when it comes to me - the best of times, the worst of times and just about everything in between. We have taken many different turns on our paths in life - but if ever we lose our way, we both know that all we need to do is look up and see a Big Bright Star int eh sky leading us back to someone who will always be waiting with open arms. Her father prophecied when we graduated that we would always be friends and I have been pleased to fulfill that prophecy. It is ALWAYS fun and uplifting to see Brandy so it's a high priority to me to take the opportunity as often as possible. It's hard to pick a highlight moment with her because they're all pretty special. A few years ago she came to see me in Lawrence and as she dropped me off she said something that truly defines our dynamic, "No matter how much time it's been since I've seen you, we always just pick up right where we left off."
18 months for Brandy and I - might as well be 18 seconds. I love it.