In the Beginning...
"It's time to trust my instincts, close my eyes.... And leap! I think I'll try defying gravity. Kiss me Goodbye, I'm defying gravity, and you can't hold me down!"
-Elphaba from the musical Wicked.
"Defying Gravity" has been my theme song since the first time I heard it.
It's been particularly relevent since I've decided that I am going to do just that. I've decided that the only rules I need to follow are the ones the Devine has set before me and the ones I make for myself (which include to do my best to follow the first set of rules). And for myself, I have decided to serve a Mission through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
I know that the reactions I am going to get from those in my world will vary on a spectrum, and that's alright. I like the way Gandalf the Gray puts it when he tells Frodo, "But that is not for them to decide. All you must do is decide what to do with time given to you."
This might be a choice not everybody understands-but it's one that I feel confident is going to put me on a path towards the greatest person of which I am capable. Now that is saying a lot, I think...
So, this Blog isn't really for me. I'm going to remember everything about it forever no matter what... I just wanted to bring a few others along for the ride if they're interested.