Monday, May 15, 2006

Switch it, Change it, A'rearrange it!

(We made a District goal about a month ago to bring members we have never invited out with us before to our lessons, in order to switch things up on both ends. Allow the investigators to become familiar with more people and to strengthen more members by inviting ones who don't normally come with us. When the District Leader asked what we should call that goal and I offered the above little chant. Everyone in the room thought it was terribly clever until I announced that I picked it up from Cheerleading camp.)

Transfer calls have come...

Kubricky is out, and I am staying in Szeged with a sister in the group above Kubricky in the MTC. I have met her and am very excited to work with her because just like Kubricky she is goregous, inside and out. Walker is her name.

Both of the Greenies that were in the group below me are out as well, which is a bummer because the Greenies rock. However in their place are coming not one, but two of the Elders from my group! Cunningham and Kinghorn will be heading south and I could not be more thrilled!

It is going to be an awesome district. already is, so it will just be another awesome district down here in Szeged.

Speaking of Phone Calls...
In an ultimate expression of the Love my companion and I have for each other we did something slightly less traditional. I called her mother and she called mine to let them know how much we love their daughters and wish them a Happy Mother's Day before passing off the phone for the real person they wanted to talk to. Hearts were touched all around and Mother's pride could be felt from all corners.

I am sure Kubricky would have loved to do that for my Dad as well, but I woke up at 4am to call him at 9pm on Saturday night in Kansas and she was out like a light!

And as if that weren't enough...
The Church has grown to the point in Hungary that on June 3-4 a Stake will be established in Budapest. A STAKE!! In a country that didn't know religous freedom when I was born!

For those of you unfamliar with a Stake, this is HUGE news for Hungary. It means that the membership and strength of the church here has exploded in the 15 short years missionaries have been here. It is amazing, and I got to be here when it happened...

All we need to do now is strengthen them enough to be ready for a Temple.

But in order for that to happen, I should go find and teach the future Temple President so that he will be ready for the call when it happens in a decade or two...

I am loving you all, Party People!